1. Five Stamp Mill
2. Post Office
3. 300 Stamp Mill
4. Vanner Room
5. Central Steam Plant
6. Transformer Room
7. Tennis Courts
8. Treadwell Plaza
9. Superintendent's Residence
10. Machine and Boiler Shop
11. Treadwell Wharf
12. Warehouses and Coal Bunkers
13. Pump House
14. Meat Market/Butcher Shop
15. Assistant Superintendent's Residence
16. General Warehouse
17. Bradley Memorial
18. Assay Office
19. Vaults
20. "New" Office Building
21. Company Store
22. School
23. Blacksmith Shop
24. Clothes Drying Room
25. 240-Stamp Mill & Hydroelectric Plant
26. 300-Man Dining Hall
27. Bakery
28. Baseball Grounds
29. Bunk Houses/Lodging
30. Treadwell Club
31. Gymnasium/Handball Court
32. Natatorium (Swimming Pool)
33. Baths
34. Central Crushing Plant and Ore Bin
Oil Tank
Oil Tank
Oil Tank
Oil Tank
Oil Tank
Oil Tank
Water Tank
Water Tank
Residential Neighborhoods
Glory Holes
Railroad Tracks
Walking Path
Sandy Beach
Trail Access